Tuesday, May 08, 2007

End-user configurable help in Apex

Let's assume the following scenario:

We have an application developed by A for B, B wants to be able to add and edit help information on the pages of the application, but has no access to the development environment of Apex.

1. Create a table HELP with 3 columns:

CREATE table "HELP" (
"HELP" VARCHAR2(4000),
constraint "HELP_PK" primary key ("ID")

CREATE sequence "HELP_SEQ"

CREATE trigger "BI_HELP"
before insert on "HELP"
for each row
select "HELP_SEQ".nextval into :NEW.ID from dual;
2. Create a "report and form" on this table in your application, they will be used for maintaining the help table.

3. Create a help region on Page 0 as report region, use the following SQL:

select help from HELP where page = &APP_PAGE_ID. and help is not NULL

Condition for this region: select help from HELP where page = &APP_PAGE_ID. and help is not NULL returns at least one row.

4. Using the report and form from step 2 an authorized user can create and edit the help text for the pages: the page number goes into PAGE, the text into HELP.

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